Interest Co-ordinator

The Interest coordinator ensures that interests developed through the church’s missionary outreach are cared for promptly. This person is a member of the board and the personal ministries council and works directly with the pastor and chairperson of that council.

The interest coordinator serves the crucial role of ensuring that individuals that respond to the church’s outreach and missionary efforts are contacted and cared for in a timely manner.  Through the maintenance of a list of interested individuals, and assisting the Personal Ministry department in assigning qualified members to provide follow-up service, the Interest Coordinator should keep a finger on the pulse of all efforts to nurture potentially new church members.

Interest Co-ordinator duties include: 

1. Gather names.  
2. Make contacts. 
3. Listen for needs. 
4. Establish readiness.  
5. Make referrals. 
6. Maintain the list.