
The Stoke Newington Pathfinder Club is a part of a global children's movement, open to children aged 5-16 years old. We are a uniformed club that focus on the physical, emotional, mental, social and most importantly spiritual development of the child and young person. This is done through the wide range of activities and opportunities the club has to offer.

This department is made up of both Pathfinders and Adventurers.  Everyone involved in working with minor children must meet Church and legal standards and requirements, such as background checks or certification.

For more information, go to the Stokey Pathfinder website here or contact them via email

The Pathfinder Club provides a church-centred outlet for the spirit of adventure and exploration, in the context of spiritual development and soul-winning, for ages 10 to 15. Activities are carefully tailored to include outdoor living, nature exploration, crafts, hobbies, or vocations.

Pathfinder staff may include instructors of craft and nature classes and counsellors who are each responsible for a unit of six to eight Pathfinders.


The Advent Message to all the world in my generation.

The love of Christ compels us.

By the grace of God, 
I will be pure and kind and true. 
I will keep the Pathfinder Law.
I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.

The Pathfinder Law is for me to:

  1.  Keep the morning watch.
  2.  Do my honest part.
  3.  Care for my body.
  4.  Keep a level eye.
  5.  Be courteous and obedient.
  6.  Walk softly in the sanctuary.
  7.  Keep a song in my heart.
  8.  Go on God's errands.


The Adventurer Club provides home and church programs for parents with children of the ages 6 to 9. It is designed to stimulate the children’s curiosity and includes age-specific activities that involve both parents and child in recreational activities, simple crafts, appreciation of God’s creation, and other activities that are of interest to that. All is carried out with a spiritual focus, setting the stage for participation in the church as a Pathfinder.

Because Jesus loves me, I can always do my best.

Be obedient
Be pure
Be true
Be kind
Be respectful
Be attentive
Be helpfuL
Be cheerful
Be thoughtful
Be reverent

Pathfinder and Adventurer Club Launch 1 October 2022