Prayer Ministries is to spiritually strengthen and support every ministry, pastor, and administrator at every level of the church by fusing the three fundamental elements of mission—prayer, Bible study, and ministry.
Praying to God, is like having a heart to heart with a very best friend, someone who knows and loves you deeply, and always has your best interest at heart. Someone with whom you can be open and honest, and trust with your innermost thoughts without fear of being cast off, forsaken or rejected.
The aim is to support and encourage the membership’s spiritual development within the context of a strong, consistent, personal prayer life, resulting in effective intercession for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Prayer is the believer’s response to God’s invitation for relational intimacy. It is the key to the door through which to enter into God’s personal space in order to really get to know Him. This action of drawing near to God occurs as a result of God first stirring within the believer’s heart a desire for connection with their Creator, as Jesus said in John 6:44, “No one can come to Me unless the Father draws him…”
This department works door to door offering prayer and the word through books and literature, to all who will receive the gifts, hospitatility, love and care. This occurs Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 - 3pm and as the days get longer, 5 - 7pm. Please note, all volunteers are accepted.
In need of prayer?
Join in with us, at church, for Tuesday afternoon prayers 12:30pm - 2:30pm weekly.
If you cannot attend in person, please click here, to send in your prayer request.
You can also join in with our community prayer line
Held Saturdays and Sundays 1pm - 8pm
See what the department has been doing by clicking on the links below.
Week of Prayer held 23 - 28 May "My Need to Co-Operate with God - Pentecost" was a week filled with many blessings. To share in this experience click on the picture below.
Praying to God, is like having a heart to heart with a very best friend, someone who knows and loves you deeply, and always has your best interest at heart. Someone with whom you can be open and honest, and trust with your innermost thoughts without fear of being cast off, forsaken or rejected.
The aim is to support and encourage the membership’s spiritual development within the context of a strong, consistent, personal prayer life, resulting in effective intercession for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Prayer is the believer’s response to God’s invitation for relational intimacy. It is the key to the door through which to enter into God’s personal space in order to really get to know Him. This action of drawing near to God occurs as a result of God first stirring within the believer’s heart a desire for connection with their Creator, as Jesus said in John 6:44, “No one can come to Me unless the Father draws him…”
This department works door to door offering prayer and the word through books and literature, to all who will receive the gifts, hospitatility, love and care. This occurs Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 - 3pm and as the days get longer, 5 - 7pm. Please note, all volunteers are accepted.
In need of prayer?
Join in with us, at church, for Tuesday afternoon prayers 12:30pm - 2:30pm weekly.
If you cannot attend in person, please click here, to send in your prayer request.
You can also join in with our community prayer line
Held Saturdays and Sundays 1pm - 8pm
See what the department has been doing by clicking on the links below.
Week of Prayer held 23 - 28 May "My Need to Co-Operate with God - Pentecost" was a week filled with many blessings. To share in this experience click on the picture below.